Healthy Food

Eat healthy food and fight many diseases.


Health is wealth. By being physically fit, it can make a person look lean both inside and out.

Alternative Medicine

Do you suffer with one of the many health problems out there? Are you getting fed up with the traditional forms of health treatment? Are you looking into the different forms of alternative health therapy that are available?.


Practise sport and get a good health.

Weight Loss

Diet And Exercising For Weight Loss.

dimanche 3 juillet 2016

The Major Mistakes While Dieting

A recent study shows that many people had made many mistakes while dieting  

1.  Starting to skip breakfast  Most people trying to lose weight believe simply eating less and skipping meals helps shed that fat. And breakfast is a real easy meal to skip. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when on a weight loss diet. If you leave the house in the morning on an empty stomach you’re much more tempted to eat more at morning tea and lunch times. And, calories you eat at breakfast time are easily burnt throughout the day.  
2. Buying diet food.   When we went shopping we always looked for the foods marked diet, low-fat, healthy etc. This is a good practice to get into, but we were buying these foods for the wrong reason. We bought these foods because in our minds it meant we could more. We would totally disregard portion size. If you eat diet foods in large portions you’re not doing yourself any favors. 
 3.  Thinking that you are always  being fat   This is mindset that you must break if you want to lose some serious weight. Sometimes it feels like you’re doing the right things and not making any progress, this is totally natural. You need to focus on being happy and healthy and achieving your goals. Try not to get caught up in “the big picture”. 
4.  Eating salads as main meals   Eating salad is a good way of keeping your calorie intake down right? Yes, meal of salad has much less calories that a pizza but does it have the satisfaction? When you eat you mind needs to get some satisfaction from what you have just eaten. I found that when I ate salads for meals a few hours later I was back I the cupboard looking for more food. I learnt that I was better off eating a balanced meal with slightly more calories than simply eating a salad and snacking afterwards.   

 5. Setting high  goals    Setting long term goals is great, but these goals always seem to far off. You need to set smaller, more reachable goals that you can regularly meet to keep your motivation high. Set yourself weekly, monthly and three monthly goals. Once you meet one short term goal set a new one for next week.

Dieting Without Sacrifice

Many people think that  dieting is  sort of  punishment for having the perfect body.
They believe that enjoying food is somehow bad for them, which couldn’t be further from the truth. If you want to be completely honest with yourself, when it comes to dieting, it isn’t about giving up food or flavor; it’s about discovering new foods and flavors. At least that is what it is for those who truly love food as well as adventure.

  There are many spices out there that can make even the blandest of foods a little exciting. Fish and chicken are popular diet foods because they are lean meats. However, adding a little blackening seasoning is a great way to put a little punch in your meal that will make it taste great without packing on the calories of dressing marinades or soaking in butter before broiling. You do not have to stop there. Italian seasoning can also add a little flavor to your kitchen without adding the extra calories that you are working so hard to avoid. 
  There are all kinds of seasonings that will work well in this instance. Many great seasonings for chicken also make great additions to chicken that will be included in salads for healthier lunches or salad wraps.
Grains are good for you when you concentrate on whole grains. They are quite often the primary source of fiber in a diet and you need fiber almost as much as you need water. At any rate, simple things that spice up the same old lunch can have a huge impact on your enjoyment of food.   My point in all this though is that you do not have to sacrifice flavor in order to diet. You can live without butter; there are many substitutions on the market that are quite remarkable. But seasonings are a great way to add a lot of flavor for a tiny bit of effort on your part.

 Desserts are also great and you can find many dips and sauces that can be made with fat free or low fat mayonnaise or sour cream in order to cut a few more calories during your dieting process.

mercredi 4 mai 2016

Tips For Keeping your Teeth Healthy.

Tips For Keeping your Teeth Healthy. 

If you want a bright smile You must take care of your teeth. For that reason, it’s important for parents to instill good oral health habits in children early as they can. The following tips help you keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy and a bright smile.

1. Brush teeth and gums with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day, especially after eating breakfast and before bedtime.

2. Visit the dentist regularly.

3. Floss your teeth daily.

4. Use fluoride rinse for strong, healthy teeth and gums.

5. Limit the number of times you eat snacks each day-and remember to practice healthy eating and get plenty of calcium.

6. Wear a mouthguard when playing sports.

7. Ask your dental professional about dental sealants.

8- Teach children from infancy to take control of their oral health .

How is your Breathe?

How is your Breathe? 

Breathing is an important part of the human condition. If you don’t breathe, you can’t live. The air around us, however, is not exactly as pure as it once was . I think that all of us know the bad side effects of breathing in second-hand smoke. You’ve probably been told that, since there’s no filter to reduce the amount of toxins and carcinogens, you’re at greater risk than smokers if you allow yourself to be exposed regularly. Smokers have the filters on their cigars and cigarettes to reduce the damage, but people who stand there and take in the second-hand smoke don’t have that protection. 
The potential consequences of prolonged exposure consists of a list of respiratory disorders covering everything from minor fits of coughing to something as severe as lung cancer. 
According to scientists the air now is more toxic than at any other because of smoke of cars and factories. Science also has an impressive list of all sorts of airborne pathogens, bacteria, and viruses that are floating in the air and affect our health negatively.

Eat Spinach and Get a Good Health

Eat  and Get a Good Health

Spinach is healthy green vegetable which is full of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. It has an extremely high nutritional value and is rich in antioxidants. It is a good source of vitamins A, B2, C and K, and also contains magnesium, manganese, folate, iron, calcium and potassium.Its dark-green leaves are one of the favorite ingredients of chefs all around the planet.

vendredi 25 mars 2016

How to Avoid Hair Loss.

How to Avoid Hair Loss. 

Many women are suffering from hair loss and feeling difficulty in openly discussing and finding resolution of hair problems. The causes of hair loss are many.Some of them are ; harsh hair treatments, hormonal changes during pregnancy, or the menopause. Stress and unhealthy eating habits also lead to hair problems. Sometimes, hair thinning in females may be genetic. The hair thinning as a genetic factor normally occurs between 18 to 24 years of age. The first step in settling any sort of hair problems is, distinguishing the nature of hair loss you are suffering with. There are a number of treatment options available for treating hair problems, depending on the kind and severity of problems. Your doctor may suggest you some oil / cream / lotion to apply on your scalps. If hair loss is due to hormonal or hereditary or due to some other serious health problems then your doctor may prescribe you a variety of medications. Besides getting aid from a health professional, you also can take care of your hairs to avoid hair loss. Analyze your diet. Nutrition plays a vital role in keeping healthy tresses. Lack of essential vitamins and minerals and proteins etc may switch hair problems. Ask your doctor / nutritionist for help .Opt for loose and comfortable hair style. Give up the hairstyle that introduces tensions in your hair follicles. For example; tight ponytails, chignons .Do not use in large the heated hair styling tools, such as; tongs and straightening irons.Stress is a major trigger to hair loss. Try to stay positive.

vendredi 19 février 2016

Choose The Right Reasons for your diet

Choose  The Right Reasons for your diet
 Choose all kinds of excellent motivators when it comes to dieting and taking your dieting seriously. One of the more common reasons  for dieting include a desire to be more physically fit. Some of us have a deep and abiding desire to live as long as possible and firmly believe that the best possible method for accomplishing this goal is to live the healthiest life possible. This is another excellent reason for losing weight and getting into shape.

Yet another great reason is to have the energy you need to keep up with your little ones. This is one of the most heartbreaking side effects for most when it comes to obesity. There is simply no energy left over at the end of the day to enjoy doing things with your precious little ones who are young for such a very short amount of time. You desperately want to be able to build those precious memories with them but absolutely have no energy with which to do so.

Religion is another common weight loss motivation. Some people believe the body should be treated as a temple. There is nothing wrong with this philosophy at all, though it takes some us longer to find our way to that line of thinking than others. Religion and faith are powerful motivators, as they have been known to bring healing to those in need by the power of their faith or their prayers. If your faith can give you the will power and strength you need in order to reach your dieting and weight loss goals then by all means lean on your faith and hold it close.

No matter what motivation you have for dieting and losing weight if you find it is no longer working for you, then you need to find another motivator quickly. Without proper motivation it is quite unlikely that you will ever meet your weight loss goals.